Monday, February 25, 2013

Cookbook Review:Dairy Hollow House Soup & Bread Cookbook

Cover of "Dairy Hollow House Soup & Bread...
Cover via Amazon
The Dairy Hollow House Soup & Bread: A Country Inn Cookbook is something of a novelty as far as cookbooks go-it is every bit as fun to read as it is to use for cooking. The book's author, Crescent Dragonwagon, does a wonderful job of introducing the readers to Dairy Hollow House, the country inn and restaurant she used to own with her late husband and a long-time friend. The inn received accolades from such magazines as Conde Nast Traveler, was featured on Good Morning America and  was celebrated by locals and travelers alike for its unique cuisine. Dragonwagon shares many of her recipes in this inspiring cookbook.

Diary Hollow House Soup & Bread Cookbook will provide its readers with a delicious assortment of recipes for soups, breads, salads and dressings. She walks you through such basics as making stocks, kneading dough by hand, boosting flavor and so much more. As you read through this book, you will learn the history of some of the included recipes, food history, personal anecdotes. It is hard not to smile to yourself as you read through this delightful book.
While somewhat heavy on the soup recipes, Crescent Dragonwagon was sure to include the recipes to some of her most popular breads in this book. When looking for a new recipe to try, you can choose from such mouth watering selections as:
  • French Country Bread
  • Herbed Mezzaluna Bread
  • Multi Grain Granola Berad
  • Skillet Sizzled Buttermilk Cornbread
I originally received this book as a birthday gift from one of my sisters and it was used extensively once I moved away from home and was living on my own. Soups, stews and breads were always a staple of my single life diet (plenty of leftovers, easy storage, easy to reheat). Somewhere along the line, I lost my copy and have missed its tasty recipes. I recently purchased a replacement copy for myself and I have been enjoying long forgotten goodies. My favorite to make and eat was always the popovers (recipe follows below).
If you are a fan of soup or a lover of bread, I highly recommend getting a copy of Dairy Hollow House Soup & Bread Cookbook. It is packed full of delicious recipes and witty insights from the author. You will be smiling as you read through the book and grinning from ear to ear once you sample the goodies you have made. Crescent Dragonwagon has a gift for writing and an even greater gift for cooking. If you are one of the many cooks who prefers to see a photo of the completed recipe, you will be disappointed to find the complete absence of photos in this book.
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