Shock Top's Lemon Shandy is described as:
"Brewed with two row and six row malted barley and five different types of hops, this Belgian-Style Wheat Ale is then combined with citrus peels, coriander, natural lemonade flavor and a hint of sugar for a subtle sweetness. The end result is an incredibly refreshing, crisp and smooth beer that hits the spot as the thermometer heats up. "I always read a brewery's description of the product with a grain of salt-they always want you to be titillated by their words so you will rush out and buy it. Well, for once in my life, I agree wholeheartedly with words gleaned from a product page. Here are my interpretations of this beer:
Appearance-This brew pours a bright hazy yellow hue that is topped with a fluffy, fast receding white head. The head reduces quickly to a thin amount of lacing that tops the beer and the glass.
Smell-Lemon Shandy has a very light scent that is reminiscent of wheat bread and fresh lemon.
Taste-Upon tasting this beer, I was immediately struck a bright lemon flavor that is neither overpowering nor cloying, like so many lemon flavored foods are. It fades to a malty sweetness that leaves you wanting more.
Mouthfeel-The feel of this beer is very light, very wet and lightly carbonated, making it a very easy beer to drink on a hot summer night. It appears much more bubbly in the glass than it actually is on the palate, which was a pleasant surprise.
Overall Impression-I was very impressed with Shock Top's Lemon Shandy. Other reviews on the internet are not so positive and I'm not completely sure why. Some complain that it is too weak while others say it is too strong. I felt it struck a nice balance between sweet and tart. If you are expecting the flavor of a hard lemonade, you will most certainly be disappointed. However, if you are looking for a lightly flavored wheat beer to enjoy when the temperatures soar, Lemon Shandy should fit the bill nicely. I would recommend serving this beer with the lighter flavors of summer-fruit and cheese trays, salads and fish dishes.
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